Hydraulic Lift Turner

The hydraulic lift turning machine is used for the fermentation and turning of organic waste such as livestock and poultry manure, sludge garbage, sugar factory filter mud, dross cake and straw sawdust.
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The hydraulic lift turning machine is used for the fermentation and turning of organic waste such as livestock and poultry manure, sludge garbage, sugar factory filter mud, dross cake and straw sawdust. It is widely used in organic fertilizer factories, compound fertilizer factories, Fermentation and dehydration operations in sludge waste plants, gardening farms, and Agaricus bisporus planting plants. It is suitable for aerobic fermentation and can be used in conjunction with solar fermentation chambers, fermentation tanks and transfer machines. It can realize the function of one machine with multiple slots when used in conjunction with the transfer machine. The matching fermenter can discharge continuously or in batches. High efficiency, stable operation, sturdy and durable, even turning and throwing.


Model Length (mm) Power (KW) Walking Speed (m/min ) Production Capacity (m ³/h)
FDJ3000 3000 15+15+0.75 1 150
FDJ4000 4000 18.5+18.5+0.75 1 200
FDJ5000 5000 22+22+2.2 1 300
FDJ6000 6000 30+30+3 1 450